On 27th of April, my twitter feed started showing a number of tweets with the hash tag adtechin. Within an hour it became #2 trending topic in India – #1 being a promoted trend – and stayed there for a full 2 days! I realized that a group of digital media guys were attending an event on digital marketing in New Delhi and tweeting away all sorts of things. Seeing the number of tweets, I was curious to find out what it was all about.
So I got a quick fix program to download all tweets with #adtechin. This program did a fairly good job of downloading tweets and I downloaded the tweet id, username, date, time and of course the status message. I would have loved to download location and client data as well to analyze. Will edit the program to do that as well when I have time.
Anyways, the following is the analysis of 3132 tweets captured between 10.12 AM on Apr 27th to 10.12 AM on Apr 29th. The program might have missed downloading certain retweets with the retweet link on web. And because I couldn’t capture tweets before 10.12 on Wednesday, I cut off all tweets posts post 48 hrs to keep tweet data of 2 full days. Keep that in mind before you read on.
Though I didn’t capture all tweets from day 1, its safe to assume that the maximum tweets happened between 10-11 and 12-1. My captured data shows 15% & 14% of tweets were generated during this time band respectively.
The tweets generated at the beginning of the day’s and towards the end were not surprising as the main keynotes were during these time slots.
The surprise was during the day 2, 12-1 noon… Hmm, Social Media got everyone excited.
A whopping 560 members tweeted with the hashtag. I wonder how many of them were tweeting from the venue itself as seeing this pic (courtesy mprasanth), I don’t think more than 350-400 people could have been seated in the conference room.
5% of these users generated 44.4% of all tweets. The tweets generated adhered nicely to the 80-20 rule as well. 80% of tweets were generated by 23.6% of users (76.9%-20%).
And the top 10 tweeters were (name, tweets, % of all tweets generated)…
- naina: 194 :: 6.2%
- spuriousmallu: 82 :: 2.6%
- kushalsanghvi: 78 :: 2.5%
- mekkanikal: 74 :: 2.4%
- Campaign_India: 71 :: 2.3%
- amithpr: 69 :: 2.2%
- mprasanth: 49 :: 1.6%
- sandy_budhiraja: 46 :: 1.5%
- morpheushere: 46 :: 1.5%
- shagorikah: 45 :: 1.4%
The point to note though, is some top tweeters (probably the organizers) went overboard praising the sessions in the tweets. The # of adjectives (fantastic, awesome, super, great, magical) were a complete overkill as one tweeter noted and which a lot of other tweeters agreed to!
Bandwagon effect!
- Day2 had 375 tweeters, 16% more than Day1.
- In the same time band of 10AM-8PM, Day 2 generated 22% more tweets.
- Of the 560 tweeters, 137 users tweeted on the topic on both days. 185 only on the first day and238 only on the second day.
- The guys who came in only on day 2, generated 28% of day 2 tweets and a large number of these tweets were re-tweets.
And I with about 6 comments was ranked 136th (top quartile) in the list in terms of tweets generated. Not bad for some one not at the venue :).
Retweets followed a similar time trend as tweets. However, %age of retweets was around 60% during the 7-8 PM timeband. A lot of tweeters were thanking each other :)
While probably the organizer tweets were being retweeted a lot, there were clearly some people who were giving out interesting stuff to retweet or mentioned a lot about. So who were these guys (name & # of times retweeted)…
- naina: 141
- mprasanth: 45
- Campaign_India: 35
- babs26: 33
- rohanbabu:31
- mekkanikal: 30
- shubhos: 28
- spuriousmallu: 28
- amithpr: 28
- songitaverma: 26
A viz here of the most people retweeted…
A viz here of the people mentioned most…
35% of the tweets were retweets. 83% were blind retweets, while the rest of the people choose to add something to what was said. And the top 10 re-tweeters were (name, tweets, %age of tweets which were retweets)…
- spuriousmallu: 30:: 35.7%
- ashoklalla: 27:: 57.4%
- gsgill187: 25:: 64.1%
- sandy_budhiraja: 24:: 52.2%
- bhansali: 24:: 55.8%
- SannaJanonkorva: 23:: 95.8%
- KSqr: 21:: 75%
- anandan22: 21:: 84%
- aseems: 20:: 90.9%
- communicate2: 20:: 66.7%
I think this cloud does justice to the talk… Social media! Wonder what happened to the good old terms like internet, www, web2.0 and where did mobile go!!
And that’s all I could think about at this point of time.