We now have a little one in the family born in October 2015. With him growing fast, his behaviour changes almost everyday. While I have 3 little nieces of different ages, I am never around them for more than a few hours at a stretch to observer their behaviour. With this little one, I now see every behaviour very closely. Some of them seem odd and do cause a huge concern to me (and for first time parents).
While the Pediatrician who we consult, assured us that he was always around to answer every question of ours however silly they may seem, one does tend to go onto the internet to check on something or the other baby related. And trust me, Google does a fairly bad job of showing results on medical type queries.
For every simple medical or baby query I have, Google results point to no use discussion forums where there is general chatter with absolutely no information of any value. Or, worst still, a page with an alarming medical condition. It takes patience to sift through the SERPS and reach a page with good information to the specific query I have.
So I am going to document a few queries baby related (mostly concerns I’ve had with the little one) that I looked up and had difficulty finding a page with an appropriate answer. These will be filed under the category babies and this is the first one :).