Enough has been written already about the types of co-passengers you get in airlines. Here is one which is fairly exhaustive. There are surveys done as well.
In India, up until a few years ago, you would not find many. But in the last year or so, I have seen too many of these ‘items’. Checking off the list of people I have seen.
- T
he Carousel Blocker: The Overhead Luggage WranglerThe Lateral Space Monopolizer/Arm-rest hog:The Horizontal Space Monopolizer/Seat back guyThe queue jumperThe ComplainerThe Chitter ChatterThe Seat GrabberThe Gate HoarderThe Stinker/Aromatic PassengerThe Disc JockeyThe Aisle HogThe AmorousThe Seat SwitcherThe Carry On AbuserThe Human InfectionThe Dis’owner/Inattentive ParentThe GroomerThe Drunk- Undresser
- Mad bladder
- The Obstacle
- The Eavesdropper
- The Lounger
- The Silent but Deadly
- Playboy
Would add a few more specific to India into this list.
The Loud Phone TalkerThe No Electronics Rule BreakerThe ShowoffThe Everywhere Selfie Taker